Friday, May 24, 2013

Buy Air Conditioner Tips

The best buy Air Conditioner Tips

The air conditioning does much more than simply refreshes an environment. The air conditioning literally "conditions" the air by removing dust and dirt as these items are 'captured' by the filters from the air conditioner. It also lowers the level of humidity of a room, making it more comfortable to stay in it. However, these benefits can get to be very expensive if you do not take into account some principles of common sense. Depending on the area in which you live, the cost derived with the use of air conditioners is between 5% and 50% of the total energy cost.
The first rule to keep in mind is that, fortunately, the air-conditioning equipment is an investment that really everyone can configure on the extent of its real needs and budget. Therefore you can save money and energy by purchasing carefully and having adequate knowledge of using air conditioning system.
The purchase of the air conditioning When you decide to buy an air-conditioning system, the first thing you must decide is which system best meets the needs that you have in your home. Basically there are two type of Air conditioner Available in the market.

  1.   Central Air Conditioner
  2.  Split Air Conditioner

The first one is located at a specific place in your home but need to refresh the whole house or by blowing cold air through ducts in each room, or cooled by circulating water through tubes placed in any room in which the fan then uses to blowing cold air. The split air conditioner work in the same way, but because of their lower capacities is only able to cool a room. 

The centralized system is one that provides the best level of comfort, but it is expensive to buy. However, if you want cooling comfort for whole home then High Efficiency Central Air Conditioner is definitely cheaper than buying single units as there are many rooms in the house. Keep in mind that a centralized cooling system also needs an infrastructure (Duct Work).
The split air conditioner can be easily mounted on any wall of your home and the outer unit can be place where you want it to be. These systems are less expensive than central ones, but - remember - they can only cool the space in which they are located.

After choosing which air conditioning system to buy, you must choose the size of the individual units.

 A big size air conditioner  is not necessarily the best , because having a tool large AC unit cant cool  uniformly a room if your cooling requirement is less also, an oversize unit will cool the room too quickly, causing the AC unit frequently go from one to off, with the consequent waste of energy (and money). Furthermore, because of the speed with which refreshes the environment, a unit too large will not stand lit enough time to reduce the moisture with the result that the air will give the unpleasant feeling of cold over which is moist. On the other hand you should also avoid buying too small a unit. Undersized unit would be always on the hottest days and still not be enough to adequately cool the room. Another factor that you should consider when purchasing an air conditioner it the energy efficiency of air conditioners, when we have to choose between air conditioner prices, capacity, and similar functions, the factor should be discriminate energy efficiency. And if the air-conditioning system with better energy efficiency is the one that costs more in the long run will still be the better buy. In fact, the plants of greater efficiency consume less electricity, for which the higher initial cost is soon recovered with the use of the unit itself.
Every air conditioner or air conditioner must have a label energy as that which occurs below and that it should read like this:

  • Indicates the mark of the manufacturer and the model name of your external and internal.
  • Indicates energy efficiency.
  • As you know, an air conditioner Class A consumes electricity far less than an air conditioner class C. 
  • Indicates the energy consumption expressed in kilowatt-hours (kWh) in the cooling mode, the cooling power and the index of efficiency.
  • Indicates the type of functionality of the device (cooling only or cooling and heating), and if the cooling is air or water.  
  • Indicates the heating power expressed in kilowatt-hours (kWh) and energy efficiency in heating mode with letters used by the A (maximum level) to the letter G (minimum level).
  •  Indicates noisy, and the presence of a card which contains detailed technical properties and performance of the air conditioner.


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