Monday, December 30, 2019

3 blunders you're making with your Thermostat

A Programmable Thermostat is a wonderful choice when it comes to improving the indoor comfort level and controlling the utility bills. But a large number of homeowners fail to enjoy the expected benefits as a result of not using the Thermostat the right way. Below we discuss those 3 blunders which you and many other homeowners are making.

Set right to get the right comfort

Setting the Thermostat in a wrong setting and expecting it to provide you with comfort is one major mistake homeowners make. True that a programmable thermostat is an advanced version however, it still follows however you direct it. Homeowners either keep the temperature constant on the Thermostat which results in overheated indoor or keep tweaking the temperature as the temperature difference is felt in different parts of the home.

The ideal way to resolve this is to know what temperature is generally the ideal for which parts. 70 degrees is perfect for living rooms, rooms which are occupied like bedrooms should be given 64-68 degrees. This is directly not possible without having a zoning system installed however there is a tip to maintain these desirable temperatures and that is by setting the radiator valves differently. Begin by setting the radiator in the living room at a comfortable level let's say four. Then use this as a measure and set the valve in the rest of the rooms one level lower; in this case, at three.

Lastly, make sure to set the valve in unused rooms at the lowest level.
This ensures that all places in the indoor remain comfortable, no energy is wasted and that the utility bills remain in control.

Wrong location of Thermostat

And here comes another most common blunder which is installing the Thermostat either in a very cold or in a very warm room. And as the Thermostat senses the air to reach the desired temperature, the wrong signals are given to it when the placement is wrong. A true reflection of the indoor temperature becomes impossible as a result. The most suitable location to have the most accurate temperature is to install it on the interior walls. The height from the floor should be around 5 to 6 feet. Also, please note to never install the thermostat where direct sunlight has a reach.

Not reading the user manual in case of issues

Homeowners, as mentioned above, upgrade to Programmable Thermostats but still fail to achieve the desired results. One prime reason is that they do not fully explore the features. Although the HVAC technician explains the use, most people tend to use the HVAC accessories on the simplest possible settings. As a result, what could have been enjoyed is simply lost.

In addition, when heating/cooling issues arise, the manual is still not consulted and later on, after paying a few hundred dollars to a repair tech, it is revealed that the problem had arisen only as a result of a wrong setting, battery failure or Thermostat wiring.

Bottom Line

If you have recently upgraded to a Programmable Thermostat and feel that it wasn't worth buying, look out for these blunders. And bet that you must already be making these.


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