Saturday, June 17, 2017

13 Simple Ways to lower Energy Bills

Who does not like saving? We all do! And when it comes to Summer utility bills, the desire for saving become intense every time a more fatty bill is received. But how exactly to make savings on energy bills? Are there genuine ways that can really help reduce utility bills?  
Well, there are not one or two ways, there are, in fact, tens of ways to save on energy bills. All you have to do it to practice the saving practices and there you are; saving hundreds of dollars on energy bills every year. Let's explore 13 ways that can help you in this venture:


1. Your Thermostat is your saving box
Indeed it is!
The US Department of Energy says that Thermostats can help save on energy bills up to 15% if they're turned up a few degrees for the time you're not at home. So every time you leave home, don't forget to raise the temperature on your Thermostat. Use Programmable or Smart Thermostats for auto setting the temperature.

2. Don't keep devices plugged when they're charged
So do you see when your mobile device is charged, your device shows a notification ''please unplug'? Keeping the devices plugged even when they're already charged not only takes energy unnecessarily but can also damage the device altogether by overcharging it. Unplug as early as the device get charged to not waste energy.

3. Check capacity of appliances before purchasing
While a high-efficiency Air Conditioner or Heat Pump can cool your home quickly, it also takes more energy. If you've a medium sized or small sized home, there's no need to purchase a high capacity system. Not only will it cost you initially but will also continue to charge you in terms of energy bills. Ask a professional to suggest you a compatible system for you home.

4. Make use of off-peak hours
The electricity charges on the off peak hours are less than the peak hours. Make use of the off-peak hours and use heavy machinery in those hours. This will help you save to a great extent.

5. Look for air leaks
You'll be wasting a lot of energy if there are holes and passageways that leak air from the house. As a consequence, more energy will be required to keep the home cool which means fatty energy bills. Check for any leaks and seal them with a sealant.

6. Curtains and Blinds
Did you know that 10% of cooling loss occurs through the windows with no blinds/curtains? Draw the blinds/curtains as soon as the sun begins to get hot in the day. Just by drawing curtains, you can save energy.

7. Make use of energy efficient appliances
Technology has progressed and it has served us with appliances that are better in efficiency and cheaper in utility. If you're using old heating, cooling systems, you are spending much more than what you'd spend with the latest energy efficient system. Replace the system by making a one-time investment and then save, save, save.

8. Clean Filters regularly
One simple step that can help save. Just clean your filters. Dirty filters bar the air flow and the system as a consequence has to put in more effort to operate which takes more energy.

9. Clean the ductwork
Cleaner ducts not only provide cleaner air to breathe but also reduce the burden on the system that otherwise is if the ductwork is filled with piles of dust and debris. Clean ducts, lighten the burden on the system and enjoy a reduction in energy bills.

10. Solar Power?    
Why not make use of the Sun's energy? Even if you cannot afford to convert the whole home on solar power, think of converting some appliances on solar. Solar power is far cheaper than the electricity we use. Once installed, forget about monthly bills.

11. Ceiling fan always works
Don't forget the fans totally in intense hot Summer. They are always of use. It is recommended to use fans when the weather is still moderate but even when it gets super hot, keep making use of your fans. Using a fan in combination with the Air Conditioner can help reduce energy bills since you can raise your thermostat temperature up to 4 degrees without feeling a difference in temperature if you've your fan serving along.

12. Replace Incandescent Bulbs
Fluorescent lights take up to 25% less energy compared to Incandescent bulbs. Every time an incandescent bulb fuses, replace it with energy efficient Fluorescent Lights.
Consider LED as an option too if you can afford to install them throughout the home. Lately, LED lights have become more popular because of their efficiency, environment-friendly nature and cost effective feature.  

13. Go Green

The more green you grow around, the cooler it will keep you. Plant shady trees around your home. They will keep your home cool. You can also keep some plants within your home. Not only do they help keep the environment cool but also work as natural air cleaners.


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