Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Residential Furnace - What and what not to purchase?

Once upon a time, when Winters came, all that man could arrange for his warmth was a fire set up made with wood and grass. But times don't remain the same. They change and so do the ways and means. Overtime man had learned to explore better resources in order to bring for himself more ease and comfort. With respect to the heating resources, the fireplace idea improved soon after the realisation of man that he can do better. After years and years, he was able to engineer what we know today as modern-day Residential Furnace. And it had taken a long way. Romans are said to have engineer Furnaces for the first time for residential and industrial use. The technology, evidently, was not as modern as it is today but nonetheless, in these days and nights of the second millennium, the man who had once relied on a direct contact with fire for the purpose of heating is now enjoying the miracles of the latest technology making use of the same fire differently in the form of Furnaces.

When you are on your hunt to purchase a Furnace for the first time or replace the one you had, you have to go through a vexing situation of not being able to decide what would work best for your home. Of course, you try to explore models that come in your budget range but fortunately as well as unfortunately, even the ones coming in that range of budget are of several different types. With no contact to an HVAC professional, decision making becomes even more difficult when you are grabbed by every single store owner and company pamphlets to purchase their product. So let us help you explore the different types of Furnaces and an overview of what can be the absolute choice for your home.    


  • Natural Gas Furnace - Why purchase and why not?

Natural Gas Furnaces are one of the most energy-efficient heating systems available in the market. Using the ductwork system, the Furnace unit blows hot air towards different sections of the home. These Furnaces could be the best investment you would make if you have a ductwork installed and the area you belong to has proper access to natural gas. One of the reasons why Canadians love Natural Gas Furnaces is that they are quiet in operation, deliver heat evenly and are easy to maintain.
But hold on! Here's a suggestion for you. If you're residing at a place for only a limited time span and there's no ductwork installed, it is better that you go for some other heating methods and not a Furnace. That is because you'll need to install a whole ductwork by spending several hundred dollars additional and of course, won't take ductwork with you when you'll leave. Not economical at all! Also, before you make the Gas Furnace your choice, get yourself aware of the Natural Gas prices in your area. By choosing to run your appliance on a costly fuel, you'll choose to spend your hard earned money on fatty energy bills every month.

  • Oil Furnace - Why purchase and why not?

Oil Furnace has been quite popular in America in the late 20th century. And that was because the prices of oil weren't' meeting the skies back then. The rise in the oil prices break the fall of the rising Oil Furnace usage and people turned to Gas and Electric Furnaces. But even today, Oil Furnaces are sold, however, they are among the costliest models in the market.
Although the fuel prices for this type of Furnaces are still high, these Furnaces are nonetheless the best solution for those living in areas of Natural Gas unavailability or areas where Natural Gas rates are relatively higher.
Go for Oil Furnaces if that's the fuel you'll be getting at cheaper rates and go for it if your budget flexibly allows you to purchase it.

  • Electric Furnace - Why purchase and why not?

Just like the Gas Furnaces make use of Natural Gas as fuel, the Electric Furnaces utilise Electricity as fuel. The convincing reason to go for Electric is that the Electric Furnaces are the cheapest of types to purchase and install. However, the not so convincing reason for Electric Furnaces is that they bring home fatty energy bills particularly when Electricity rates are high. This type of Furnaces best suit people that have unavailability of Gas lines or Oil supply but have access to cheap electricity and those that live in moderate climates and make only a limited use of the Furnace.
So? What do you think would best suit your home? Gas, Oil or Electric Furnace?

Have any Furnace related questions? Connect with us today or anytime and get your confusions resolved and questions answered: 905 201-1293


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